Unlock the Passion, Connection, Laughter, Intimacy, Romance, and JOY in Your Relationship (or Future one!)

LOVE STORY is for the woman whose soul craves the romance AND the safety, the passion AND the steadiness, the fire AND the calm, soft place to land.

Imagine being cherished and having him fall head over heels in love with who you are, making you irreplaceable in his heart.

A love that deepens and grows more and more beautiful over time.

Passion and attraction that lasts for decades, not months.

Feeling so completely understood and seen.

And any conflict that does come up always ends with you feeling even closer than you did before the problem came up.

And, and, AND. ALL OF IT. You are UNWILLING to settle for less than your heart desires.

You don't have to choose between passion and safety.

You don't have to lower your standards one bit.

You get to have ALL of it.


  • You are feeling annoyed with the dating process and aren’t meeting the kind of men you want to commit to

  • You've never experienced men being totally romantic with you

  • Men tend to be too intimidated or insecure for you

  • You're afraid that romance is "too much to ask for" in your otherwise-good relationship

  • The only men who have been romantic with you are the ones who are totally wrong for you

  • You craaaaave romance but simply struggle to believe that there are men who are aching to be that way with a woman

Who am I?

I'm Shelsey Jarvis, and I've been coaching since 2016, specifically coaching on relationships since 2019.

And I'm the biggest sappy romantic you'll ever meet!

But there was a time when I used to stuff down my desire for romance.

A long time ago, I was made to feel like my romantic heart was "asking too much". I was made to feel wrong for wanting that, like I was too "high maintenance" or that I shouldn't care about romance and passion if there are other good things about a relationship.

But the god's honest truth of my heart is that romance and passion simply are a NEED for me in a relationship. I simply can't feel fully satisfied without it.

Truly embracing this part of myself was the first step.

I had to learn how to say YES to the romance I desired, while also learning the skills to create an incredibly nourishing, beautiful, connected, passionate relationship.

I had to learn how to take care of myself first, find who I am, learn how to receive from men, and truly open my heart so vulnerably it felt terrifying...but it was all SO worth it.

All of that led me in the last few years to discovering that there are 3 overarching components to experiencing delicious passion AND and all the feelings of calm, soft, regulated safety in a relationship:


The deep desire for a masculine partner reveals more than just what you're craving--it reveals an important aspect of who you are, which is the FEMININE 

But don't worry--while I'm aware that there are plenty of "polarity" teachings on the internet that are really just teaching gender roles, that's not what Love Story is about. Here, we uncover more of who YOU are as a unique individual, what YOUR feminine energy feels like, and in embodying whatever that is for you, you become MAGNETIC to the dreamy relationship you've been craving!

Skills you will learn to embody the energetics:

  • Feminine Sensuality 

  • Playfulness

  • Accepting vs. Resisting the Reality of Your Partner 

  • Receiving 

  • Leaning Back and Letting Him Lead 

  • Appreciating, trusting, and respecting him as a man 

  • Receiving romantic gestures without attachment or resistance 

  • Inner Masculine/Feminine Healing and Integration 

  • Resetting Reversed Polarity


Feeling completely nourished, cherished, protected, and provided for in all the ways that matter to you is a predictable result of being a woman who not only loves herself, but truly embodies doing what's BEST for herself first and foremost in all areas of her life. Your relationship is a fantastic mirror for your relationship with self, so we work on creating the most kind, loving, beautifully intimate relationship with yourself so that you can easily experience that with a partner.

Skills you will learn to embody self-love:

  • Embodying Boundaries 

  • Exploring Your Inner World Without Resistance 

  • Developing a Strong Sense of Self 

  • Healing and Managing Anxious Attachment 

  • Unstoppable Confidence and Self-Worth 

  • Living Your Beautiful Passionate Life 

  • Validating your own emotions 

  • Healing Dismissive Avoidant Attachment 

  • Healing and understanding Fearful Avoidant Attachment 

  • Intimacy within Yourself 

  • Self-regulating and clearing emotional charge with EFT


Often we think that just because we're talking and that it's clear to US what we're saying, that that means we're good communicators. And unfortunately that simply is NOT the case. I will teach you how to truly connect your words with your heart, and create an incredible connection with your partner to create a level of intimacy you didn't even realize was possible!

Skills you will learn to connect like a queen:

  • Expressing Difficult Emotions Vulnerably 

  • The Art of Curiosity 

  • Staying Connected Through Conflict 

  • Why Your Partner is Oblivious to Things That Seem Obvious to You 

  • Win-Win Conflict Resolution 

  • Expanding Your Capacity for Honesty and Authenticity 

  • Feminine Communication that Inspires Devotion 

  • Magnetic Listening Skills 

  • Partnership Apologies 

  • Natural healthy relationship progression 

  • Connecting with men's TRUE motivations 

  • Standards, Expectations, Needs, Desires 

  • How to empower him to be "the man" with you 

  • Evolving Together Over Time 

  • Independent to INTERdependent 

  • Fighting Fair 

  • Co-Regulation

In LOVE STORY, from wherever you are at this point in time, we will begin writing YOUR love story.

And you will create the space in your heart, your mind, your body, and your energy for the romance and passion you're craving to come flooding in 🌊

You will experience feeling completely desired, cherished, and protected.

You will find yourself looking at your man (or future man) with tears welling up in your eyes, overtaken by appreciation and respect for this human you get to walk with.

You will experience feeling so special, so chosen, so loved, so completely adored 🥹

What's included:

❤️‍🔥 38 skills classes, organized in a member portal so you can always find exactly what you want to learn and apply NOW—available to listen on a private podcast feed on your fave podcast app, or by logging into your private members area to watch the videos!

❤️‍🔥 Notes taken FOR you so that you can easily refer back to the content without having to re-watch every time! (or so you can see at a glance what the video is going to cover, which allows you to make the most of your time!)

❤️‍🔥 Additional lessons on understanding the ways men and women are different and misunderstand each other - this will eliminate MOST conflict from your relationships and allow you to work together harmoniously in your differences

❤️‍🔥 Bonus content to help you date smart and find your perfect match - no more dating aimlessly and repeating patterns for years, wondering why it's not working

What women are saying about Love Story

"I’m finally starting to be able to shift unhealthy patterns in my relationship that felt really entrenched and that I had been at my wits’ end trying to figure out how to approach differently. My husband and I are connecting better than we have in ages both in and out of the bedroom and I feel so hopeful about the future. I am so grateful to Shelsey for doing this work and so excited to see how things continue to evolve! Highly highly recommend!"

- Kelly R.

"My marriage was already really good a year ago: nearly 15 years together, still very in love, nearly never fighting and with a good level of intimacy. But I knew that a next level was available and having followed Shelsey for some years I knew that Love Story would be the perfect space to support me bringing more magic to my relationship with intentionality. 

Through those 12 months, our communication improved to be more supportive and solution oriented. We also became more playful together, making space for more fun and adventures. But the biggest change is that we both take better care of ourselves, encouraging the other by our kind support and exemplary dedication.
As a result, we feel better, look better and our desire for each other is through the roof!"

- Kellya C.

"Before joining Love Story I dated for years and vetted over 200 men, until I decided to join Love Story. In Love Story, Shelsey has helped me to attract higher quality men who actually show up for me in the dating process. And I am blown away at the fact that now I am working on receiving more from kind, generous and thoughtful men where before I felt like I was chasing and accepting breadcrumbs from men. I highly recommend coaching with Shelsey for women who are ready to completely change the type of men they attract and date."

- Mariana

"Prior to joining Love Story, I showed so many signs of anxious attachment. Oh My Word, I can't believe I fantasized the way I did about a man I didn't know AT ALL. I give myself grace though and laugh about it now. I now know where all of that fantasizing and romanticizing stemmed from and know how to calm my nervous system so I could make really smart decisions about how I moved myself forward in my dating life.

You are the real deal and I'm so grateful for your coaching. MUAH HERMANITA!"

- Sabrina

Join LOVE STORY and get started right away!

What's included?

✅ 38 skills classes to help you embody the energetics, confidence, and partnership skills—accessible on your favourite podcast app via private feed, or by logging into your members area to watch the videos!

✅ Notes taken FOR you so you can easily come back to the content you’re looking for and save time

✅ Bonus classes on differences between men and women to help you understand each other better

✅ Bonus dating content to help you date smart and find your perfect match


Is it only for single people?

Nope! This is about creating the relationship you desire–from wherever you are right now. The skills to attract a partner and the skills to bring out the best in your current partner are the same skills. Whether you’re single or married for decades or anywhere in between, I got you!

Are the modules live?

The modules are all pre-recorded and in a private members portal. This way, it doesn’t matter what time zone you’re in or what your schedule is–you’re not going to miss out on a single thing, and you can skip around the program according to what you need at any given time!

Is there any support included?

This membership is designed for the woman who takes the information and implements independently at her own pace, there is no support included.

If you desire support in addition to the membership you are welcome to contact love@magneticfemininity.com at any time to ask what support options are currently available.

What if I want to cancel my membership?

You can do so anytime! All you have to do is click on the link to the payer portal in the emails and you can cancel. There are however no refunds.